W12.02 Accurate Thinking - The Ballet Girls

The Ballet Girls are Manami, Naho and Yuko.

They are not girls really – they are grown woman, one with adult children. They are joined by the male Kazunori (who I begged to see in tights). He doesn’t actually dance these days, however, he is married to a teacher of ballet, so he has a passionate interest. He is an honourary “ballet girl” (even without the tights).

This is a new team at BodyChance: a team that demonstrates how my graduates are helping me  understand ways that BodyChance can continue the teaching relationship to support them evolving and building their teaching business. This is part of BodyChance’s continuously evolving learning system, a system dedicated to the idea that a teacher exists only with students to teach! At BodyChance, Teacher Education includes the process of gathering students and building a viable small business.

Would you like to be involved in creating a school like that in your local area?

I hope so, because this week’s blog is all about finding partners and making deals, and I am open to doing just that with any and all of you. In fact, behind the scenes with a few spirited individuals, this process has already started. More on that later this week.

For now, let me tell you about the Ballet Girls – because from their story, you can start to get a feel for how this might work for you. The first thing BodyChance offers the Ballet girls is guidance. They have passion and wish, but no experience in starting and running their own business.

Our first meeting was in a famously blogged Italian restaurant just a few doors down from my new Tokyo mansion (Japanese name for an apartment – sounds nice doesn’t it?). First they wanted to hear from me, so I shared how full-time BodyChance staff member Basil Kritzer and I had co-operated over the last four years – during the time he was training – to build up enough interest to start up BodyChance’s third Teacher Education School in Japan.

SIDE NOTE: I would love to say this is the first, niched Teacher Education in the history of the Alexander Technique, but in fact Vivien Mackie beat me to that. She formed a school in Melbourne, Australia - led by Rosslyn McCloud’s inspired effects – from 1990~1993 which was a musicians only school for educating Alexander Technique Teachers.

I only got halfway through my story during our lunch, because the Ballet Girls’ creativity bubbled up and took over, in a cacophony of Japanese that I could only vaguely follow. I was happy – they were all embracing the challenge, exchanging ideas and developing a plan. By the end of lunch, we had it. It was so simple.

You could do the same.

The start is blogging, meeting people, using contacts you already have to create buzz and interest about Alexander Technique. With the Ballet Girls, our aim is to build a list of 10,000 individuals and studios and ballet related businesses.

How do you build such a large list? That’s will be one of the new worksheets I will be producing for you free in my next online course “Joint Venture Apprentice Program Application Process” starting from May 1st. I will write more about that tomorrow.

Welcome to this week, the last week of my free three month online course (phew!) where I look to the future: what can we build together? Are you interested? Even if you are not, read this week’s posts as your blueprint to find and negotiate partners to get your Alexander Technique small business into high gear.

TOMORROW: Announcing the Joint Venture Apprentice Program From September…

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