W04.07 Guest Post From Jennifer Mackerras in Reply to My Case Study...
On Sundays,
as I continue my free online course for Alexander Technique teachers on my 12 Point plan to build a financially successful practise,
I am offering each teacher who submitted their situation for a case study a
chance to reply to my comments. Last week I wrote a case study of Jennifer Mackerras’ situation.
This is her reply…
He had me
hooked right at the beginning:
is doing a great job - she doesn’t need my feedback. All the pieces are there,
and she’s got them working together nicely, so why is she asking me for
I asked
Jeremy for advice because I don't feel like a success. Pure and simple.
Yes, I work
more than some teachers. But I don't teach as much as I would like, and as much
as some other teachers I know. I want to be more successful. And yes, if I'm
honest, I want to take myself to a level beyond that, to a
national/international level.
has to have ambitions. :-)
And also,
if I'm honest, I needed some reassurance. Much of what Jeremy said, especially
with regard to auto-responders and the somewhat lukewarm copy on my website
pages (especially the home and 'about me' pages) I had already suspected. But
seeing it written down by someone else allowed me to think about it more clearly.
It gave me permission.
I have
discovered that I, just like my students, sometimes just need permission to
think the unthinkable, so that change can occur. Does this ring a bell for any
of you?
I had
decided on a niche, but hadn't yet had the courage to stand by the implications
of that decision. When you focus on a particular group, it feels like you are
cutting yourself off from other possibilities, other students. And, of course,
you are. But the possible students you are cutting off are almost certainly
people who wouldn't have been quite suited by you, and that you wouldn't have
enjoyed teaching as much as those who fit within your niche. So why try to talk
to them?
I was
trained to be able to teach anyone, both like-minded and non-like-minded
people. But it is a logical fallacy to think that, just because I am able to
teach anyone, that I therefore must teach everyone. If you try to speak to
everyone, the message will be so diluted that you end up speaking to no one.
I'm going
to say that again. If you try to speak to everyone, you will end up speaking to
no one.
So the
biggest outcome for me from Jeremy's advice is having the courage to follow
through with my decision about my niche (that is, the people who I most enjoy
teaching and who most enjoy how I teach).
My next
I am
already in the middle of a website redesign. Part of that will involve
improving the copy so that it is stronger. No more holding back!
I have also
already improved my auto-responder series, so that it tells more of my story
and draws out good and useful teaching points with practical suggestions for
the recipient. I'm going to supplement this with some bonus material - probably
short Ebooks. We'll see.
I have also
changed my adult education centre course for next term into two short courses
more closely aimed at my niche. It's a great place to experiment with new
ideas, so I can trial new material there. If it doesn't work, no matter. If it
does, I can expand upon it and roll it out more fully in other venues.
And the
future? As long term goals, I am intrigued by some of the more ambitious ideas
Jeremy mentioned, like approaching actors and singers for their experiences
with AT. It sounds like a lot of fun.
In the
shorter term, I'll follow through on a lot of the ideas that I already have and
that Jeremy mentioned in his posts. As I said in my original email to him, fear
of failure has always been a real limiting factor for me. But ultimately what
is worse: trying new stuff and having some of it go horribly wrong, or staying
in the "same kind of badly?" Is this any different to what we all
tell our students?
through this process with Jeremy has given me permission to think the unthinkable.
But will you be braver than me? Will you give that permission to yourself?
Alexander's Breakthrough Needed A Mirror - What Will You Use To Get the Same
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