W01.03 Why Does Making Money Have Such A Complicated Image?
Paul Lemberg is the new consultant for BodyChance, and me
personally. He is a hugely energetic person, bubbling with intelligence,
experience and sage advice. Spending a lot of time with him can be exhausting
for a person that doesn’t match his speed.
Last year we spent a week together - by the end of that
time, I started to understand how people felt about me. I had often heard the
complaint - starting with my Mum: she admitted she got tired being around me
too long. I felt hurt, but after being with Paul for a week I realized “Oh,
that’s what Mum meant!” Paul is a brilliant guy, and I highly recommend him as
a business consultant, but strap yourself in for the ride when he comes! Both Paul and have no trouble being motivated.
It’s not
energy I seek, it’s focus. In my case, for 32 years I was driving this car
called Alexander Technique all over the countryside, looking for a road to
follow, wondering what destination to head for…
Ironically, when I decided upon the destination “make more
money” BodyChance evoled into becoming the best it has ever been. Amazing how
what first appears as a selfish focus, actually does wonders in improving your
How clear are you about this? How clear are you in knowing
that the only way you can continue to offer Alexander Technique to others is to
make money from it? This needs to be a primary or secondary motivation driving
your success - that is how I achieved focus, and I never looked back.
Of course just “making money” by itself gets dirty if there
isn’t a parallel motivation to offer something of value to others: a wish to
better the world. People who lack that second motivation end up using other
people in an ugly way. Money itself was never the problem - it was always what
motivated people to get that money. That is why it is so important that there
is another motivation aside from just making money.
In my case, Alexander's discoveries created a strong primary
motivation for me, and I think you are the same. That is not our problem! My
guess is that you are lacking a clear motivation to make money. That somehow it
feels dirty, immoral or impolite to express it so abruptly…
In some industries, they like to pretend that making money
is not important - Alexander Technique is one of those. Well, the simple truth
I discovered is that when I focused on BodyChance making more money, BodyChance
started helping more people. And that fills me with great satisfaction. I like
the fact that BodyChance is now the largest college of Alexander Technique
Teacher Education in a century of history - and very solid too. If I fell under
a bus tomorrow, BodyChance wouldn’t miss a beat. I also love that my kids are
overseas on holidays with me, because I can afford to do that. Both feed me,
both are necessary.
If you feel caught in a hamster wheel - running and working
and getting no where fast - then my guess is that you do not have making money
as a clear focus in your work? So you keep making the wrong decisions, decisions
that keep costing you money that you can ill afford to be giving up.
To solve this one means undoing something else - after your
primary motivation of sharing Alexander's discoveries with others, you have a
second priority that does not involve financial success. It is most likely so
obvious that it is hidden to you. Do you know what that is? Ask your friends -
they will tell you. Most likely it is in the area of wanting to be liked,
wanting to have fun, be creative or wanting security. Something like that. A
simple way to investigate on your own is to put “making money teaching
Alexander Technique” as your first or second priority, then start noticing the
thoughts that distract you from following that…
To make a difference in this world you need influence, and
money is one tool that empowers influence. If you want to engage society by
demonstrating the veracity of Alexander's discoveries, you can show it by
making money. Money talks - it tells people that you have something of value.
It also gives you economic muscle in the marketplace, something I am finally,
after 13 years, coming to appreciate and enjoy with BodyChance
TOMORROW: 9 Ways to Distract Your Self, Verses 1 Way to
Propel Your Self.
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