W02.07 Guest Post from John-Paul Watkins in Reply to Case Analysis...
On Sundays, as I continue
my free online course for Alexander Technique teachers on my 12
Point plan to build a financially successful practise, I am offering each
teacher who submitted their situation for a case analysis to reply to my
comments. Last week I wrote a
case analysis of Jean-Paul Watkins situation. This is his reply…
A few months ago after a
few involuntary life events, I found myself in Marin County pondering my
future. My nursing career was stalled with no obvious openings in the job
market. At the age of 54 I was pondering where I was
going. I thought once again about Alexander Technique. Did I really want to
throw myself into the world of financial uncertainty and no benefits? After a
lot of inner struggle I decided that that was going to be my new direction.
Ok, what next? I knew a website was a necessity,
looking around at different teachers sites I found a couple of models I liked.
My main concern was If you make a website how will it be seen, I found someone
expert in SEO and after some struggles had a website. Although I was not
totally happy with the final version, I felt that something was better than
nothing. Meanwhile, I stumbled on Jeremy’s site and started to question my
strategy for making this work. I had already been thinking about potential
markets based on my interests, meditation, some martial arts when young, surfing,
yoga, and music. I have been a curious seeker my whole life but have always
been moving from one thing to another. Pretty typical situation I suppose, nothing really
popped out as something I could hook into as an authority. I envisioned a
generalist approach much like ninety percent of teachers I was familiar with.
Taking up Jeremy’s offer I submitted my
brief history. With further thought I realized that my RN license was my
greatest asset. Even though I was disillusioned with nursing as a profession, I
could still leverage my experience in this area to make a niche for myself. Jeremy’s
analysis supported that conclusion and really got me thinking about how to tap
into that community. There are so many
unique stressors in professional nursing that are only evident to an insider.
Of course I am ideally placed to exploit that knowledge and come up with some
AT solutions!
I think that as teachers we think
that the broad applications of the technique are a selling point. To turn this
on its head and actually exclude groups of people from your recruitment efforts
seems quite frightening. I had been thinking along the lines of one flyer for
the gym, one flyer for musicians etc. Actually the thought was so for me the thought
of trying to draw in all these different groups was somewhat paralyzing, where
to start? I am also aware that the San Francisco Bay Area is well supplied with
AT teachers and at least three training courses. There are local teachers who
have a background in music or acting. It made very little sense to try and
compete for the attention of those same groups.
Of course, even after accepting Jeremy’s
reasoning, doubt keeps creeping in. What if Jeremy is wrong? Does this only
work in Japan? I have run it past a couple of people who have professional
marketing experience and to them it made total sense. We even have a couple of
examples in Malcolm Balk and Steven Shaw of people who have really gone down
this road in a big way. I suspect that the possibilities are only limited by
our imagination. Why not have training courses that offer a specialization in
much the same way that doctors are trained?
A recent NY times article
documented the struggles of psychotherapists to attract clients. Apparently the
number of people seeking traditional therapy has dropped by thirty percent in
the last twenty years. Many therapists have turned to niche marketing as a
matter of survival. I think that the AT community should pay attention. F.M
made himself a very big fish in a small pond, the pond has now become crowded
with people offering services that are, on the face of it, similar to AT. If
niche marketing is how we can take the technique to a wider audience then we
should not shy away. I am hoping that Jeremy’s success in Japan can be an
inspiration for teachers looking to develop a financially healthy teaching
TOMORROW: How Alexander’s
Own Story Explains Why Niche Teaching Sells...
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