W02.06 Case Studies: Mr J. P. Watkins in Mani, USA Part Two

Continuing the analysis of Jp’s replies on the status of his professional life as Alexander Technique teacher… See yesterday’s blog for Steps 1 ~ 4.

Mr J. P. Watkins (continued)…

Step 5 – Your Mentors
Jp writes: “I spent six years in a spiritual community.” This guy understands the concept of mentors. But then he writes: “I do not have a mentor.” Yes you do, but not the one you need right now. Jp already has a great network of people in the industry - any one of them could be just the mentor he needs… Look for the ones that know what you don’t know - ok?

Step 6 – Building Your List…
Just this week Jp posted a link on his FaceBook page: “How Back Pain Turned Deadly” It could lead to his Unique Specialty: “Pain Relief Without Drugs”. Nurses will relate to that! At the very least it is the basis of a great blog post or email. Content like this is fodder for his audience, but they will want his take on it, which was missing from his FaceBook post, AND…


Guess how I feel about that? His website has been done at great expense - the infrastructure is there, but now it needs to be redirected to his niche. Words sell, not pretty. Jp has pretty - OK good - but now we need his story. Jp wrote: “Of course since reading your blog I have be become hugely unsatisfied with my website. I feel I give no sense of whom I am or why anyone would want to work with me. But I do not want to mess with it until I have come to some clarity about what I am doing.“ Why wait? First, more words about you please! More messages for nurses. Second, from today promise us that you will talk, write to, seek out one new contact in the NR world. Ask them questions - what do they want? Get started. Third, make a place people can join his mail list. (Aweber is good for that.) Fourth, we need those “exercises” and “tips” that can bring benefits, even before the lesson starts for people to read and download.

BTW everyone: if you think you need to touch a person for them to get a benefit, you underestimate the power of an idea - even the intelligence of your student. Be careful - Alexander Technique is not something you impart, it is something you bring out. Potentiality is already there, your job is to reveal it, not input it.

Step 7 – Telling Your Story…
Jp has a great story… “I have been qualified as an alexander teacher for 25 years; I have never professionally earned a living as a teacher. I have been working as a registered nurse and have hated it for the last eight years. [I am sure Jp is not the only one] At the age of 55 I am feeling that I have wasted my alexander education and failed to contribute to the survival of the technique. Family medical issues forced me to relocate to San Francisco Bay area recently. I found myself ambivalent about getting another nursing job; I therefore reexamined the idea of teaching alexander technique again.” OK, we have to edit and shape that for his RN niche - but it is a story that can be developed to establish empathy and connection with his new community. I think his story could also rage against the injustices, stress and “villains” of his industry. This creates a sense of “you + me” against the challenges that face us. Don’t be afraid to create drama - people love soap operas.

Step 8 – Back-End Business
Jp left this blank - but the question to ask: once they have “got” Alexander Technique, what can Jp train his Registered Nurses to do that is practical, helpful and of service to other Registered Nurses? Open up your mind, forget about what others might say, and think how you can support the people in your niche support others in your niche…

Step 9 – Undoing Stories
This guy has spent his life working on this. No way he needs coaching from me to be reminded how important it is. He is working it constantly. An example from his answers: “The first obstacle was the idea that of course I was unfit to teach, and no longer had the skills. I managed to over come that by visiting a local training course and found that although by skills are rudimentary, I was still able to direct and effect change, at least in trainees.” Keep it up.

Step 10 – Launching Marketing & Sales Funnel
This is all about the flow of his prospective students. Where does he start gathering them? Conferences, other websites, articles in trade journals, FaceBook adds, comments on other’s blog - the list is long. Then what does he pull them in to? Trying to get a lesson straight off is too fast for most people. The soft option is always “get a free how-to document” by joining my mail list. Once on the mail list, there needs to be series of auto-responders that take them through a cathartic review of every thing they have ever experienced as Registered Nurses, ending with an offer to come to his Introduction - which is not free! But maybe a friend can come for the price of one - that’s always a good plan. You don’t lose income, and double your leads. 

Step 11 – Becoming an Authority
Jp already is an Authority. He only needs to step up and claim the title. 25 years as a Registered Nurse - what more qualification do you need?

Step 12 – Finding Partners
As written previously, Jp already has a great network of people in the industry. At some point, when he is ready, he can ask the question: What they do need that I can give them?

CAVEAT: Remember what Alexander said: “They will see it as getting in and out of a chair the right way. It is nothing of the kind.” Is this case-study about the “right way” for Mr J. P. Watkins to go ahead? It is nothing of the kind. It’s intended to demonstrate a way of thinking, not a set of proscriptions. Even when I am "proscribing"! My intention with these case studies is to stimulate, to support you realising ideas in a different light.

To make a comment, go to my facebook page at www.facebook.com/chancejeremy
TOMORROW: The Hidden Power That Motivates Students to Stay With You For Life…

PS I discovered his name is John-Paul, but he's been known as Jp since a kid. Jp is not a nick-name that resonates for me, but I could be wrong. My impression was more of a person hiding, than a person being friendly. What do they say in politics? Perception is all. In any case, as with all these things - test it. It is not my opinion that matters, it is the opinion of your niche. What works for them?


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