W07.01 What Is The Most Valuable Asset Of Your Small Alexander Technique Business?
Robert Rickover has been tirelessly
encouraging, advocating, scolding, pleading, explaining, dramatising and doing
everything in his quite considerable abilities to convince Alexander Technique
teachers to get a website. Personally, I think his best selling line goes
something like this: “These days, not having a website is on par with not
having a phone number.” That’s rather shocking, and true.
So I will start advocating my own cause,
which must accompany your website. I will hammer away at my cause till they put
me in a grave – hey, I might even have it chiseled in the rock above me! What
is my cause?
Every Alexander Technique teacher needs
a list of followers.
It is an extension of your teaching
practice. It is a way to support your students deepening, integrating and
sharing their discoveries with others. You want the work to grow, to spread
don’t you? Included in that is you want to make a living doing that, right?
Well, this is one way you do it.
Your first step is to decide: are you willing
to engage a larger body of people in an ongoing relationship with you? We're
talking five times as many more! Ten times if you really want to be financially
secure and evangelically robust. So who are these people?
The Students To Engage In Your Mailing
Essentially three groups, all needing
different kinds of care: Firstly, the people who have been to your
sessions and stopped – continue your relationship with them; Secondly,
those currently coming to your sessions – continue engaging them outside
your sessions; Thirdly, those who have not yet come, continue
inviting them to participate more.
Now the first group: of those that came for a session once, what kind of follow up do
you have in place? At BodyChance we have an automatic series of emails, phone
calls, gifts and special offers that go to anyone who visited our studio for a
trial session (and didn’t sign up). How many of these people do you stay in
contact with? Have your calculated your conversion rate i.e. the number of
people who continue lessons divided by the number of people who made contact
with you? Do you know that number? This is how you motivate you to gather more students.
Next, of those who took many lessons with
you and then stopped, are you holding “events” for them? Are you sending them
advice about how they can continue to practice? This is how you entice them back for “refresher lessons!”
Now the second group: how do you keep your students engaged outside of lessons? You don’t
– not really, right? Maybe you give them a task to follow at each session, but
what kind of encouragement do they receive when not in direct contact with you?
Have they got something to read, to stimulate them, to keep them thinking about
your sessions? This is how you get them to continue after three months!
Let’s take the third group: how many people do you know about that are considering coming to
your sessions? These are people hanging around online (twitter, Facebook, phone
enquiries, email enquires etc) but you haven’t met them face-to-face. Just
about none? The is how you get your practice going as well as you
How To Raise Money For Your Trip To The
Next Congress
John Lennon is credited with saying: “When
I want a new swimming pool, I write another song.” A strong mailing list, that you have
invested your time, creativity and resources into, eventually gives you the
ability to raise money when you need it. BodyChance’s list is responsive to
certain people and workshops – we know that we can sell out a workshop quite
quickly from some our lists. It creates a certain kind of financial security.
Is that a place you would like to be
Then start a list. At least begin
collecting names in an organized way while making a plan to develop that list.
This week I will explore how you can use this activity to develop your Service
Product, while simultaneously serving as a marketing tool to encourage
engagement. It’s time you began to develop your unique “form” of Alexander's
discoveries within a community that wants it. More on that tomorrow…
TOMORROW: How To Use Your Mail List To
Develop Your Service Product.
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