W05.07 Guest Post From Eleni Vosniadou in Reply to My Case Study...
On Sundays, as I
continue my free online course for Alexander Technique teachers on my 12
Point plan to build a financially successful practise I am offering each
teacher who submitted their situation for a case study a chance to reply to my
comments. Last week I wrote a case
study of Eleni Vosniadou. This is her reply…
from Eleni
From the very
beginning of my ‘Alexander journey’ a series of extraordinary coincidences has taken
place, bringing me to a place of happiness way beyond my expectation. One of
them was Jeremy’s decision to start blogging systematically at exactly the time
when I finished my training and moved to a completely foreign country with the
wish to start making a living from the Alexander Technique. What more could one
ask for? Out of the blue appeared a guide, a teacher and a companion in this
difficult and completely unknown process.
It has been three
months now that I have a teaching room. It is all very new and the possibilities
just vast. There are 10 Alexander teachers working in the world’s eighth
largest city in population. So, there I was looking for my niche, looking for
the people I will address, as it took less than three months to understand that
addressing everyone just doesn’t work, or at least doesn’t work easily...Reading
through Jeremy’s suggestion on a possible niche of ‘Musicians In Pain’ I was
struck by how my business-ignorant mind would never have narrowed it down so
much, thinking ‘but I won’t be inviting the rest of Sao Paulo and that’s a lot
of people!’. But that was exactly it! It has been too many people I have been
trying to invite! And it has been exhausting...As Jeremy addressed my own case,
my mind opened up to the possibility of seeing a bit further in the process, and
really start getting what he has been saying about niching all along: ‘you are
not trying to get all the people all of the time, just one kind of people all
of the time’.
But what struck me
the most in Jeremy’s niche suggestion was actually ‘undoing the story that
binds me’. ‘Musicians In Pain’ is a niche I am very much looking forward to
dive into right now. It just feels right. In reading Jeremy’s simple question
‘don’t musicians suffer from pain?’ an unexpected truth was revealed to me: my story
of a past traumatized relationship with music-playing had been keeping me from connecting
or even remembering that musicians can be in pain. In my mind up until now,
musicians had been a completely separate category from the ‘people in pain or
discomfort’ that I really have an empathetic connection with. Then and there it
became clear that my process of personal development (which is the only thing I
mentioned to Jeremy in my ‘Success Drivers’) is not separate to the process of building
my small business. It is one unique process. And this realization gives me huge
joy and provides an unbeatable motivation to keep seeking financial success, as
in my case, finding ways to build my small Alexander business successfully is
now one with a happy life in a completely unmaterialistic way.
At this point, it
seems like a whole new more ‘directed’ direction is available and I am very
eager to start experimenting with it. As Jennifer Mackerras put it last week, I
feel like ‘I have been given permission to think the unthinkable’. Thinking of
my future niche these past few days, I already connect to them in a way that I
haven’t for the ‘rest of Sao Paulo’! All the familiar teaching procedures that
I have been reproducing this last few months suddenly don’t seem enough or
appropriate for the combination of my niche and me. I am ready to start
creating my own methods and forms, an idea which - even though familiar –
hadn’t really crossed my conscious or unconscious mind up to this point.
But before going
there I will take on Jeremy’s next suggestion, to take a good, detailed look at
my story. It has only been ‘looking ahead’ for some time now, and it seems
necessary to integrate future and past at this point, so the present can be
somewhat lighter.
TOMORROW: How Tom Made $1 Billion From A USP
will get more feedback if you post them directly on my Facebook page at:
Beautifully written. Your excitement is palpable... and that is something I don't get from many AT Teachers, experienced or beginners.