What is the Awkward Moment the Holds The Key to Your Business Success? 4th Letter To BodyChance Students
Continuing my series of letters to
BodyChance students studying to become teachers of Alexander Technique in Japan,
on how they can use this precious time to build a successful teaching career…
SUBJECT: What is the Awkward Moment the
Holds The Key to Your Business Success?
Dear Seito-san,
So far I have covered three critical
1. An Alexander Technique teacher is a small business owner with
2. Most people are not interested in Alexander Technique;
3. Most people are interested in something that Alexander Technique can
improve. 1.
I want to get more practical about the
third point: it is relates to the Awkward Moment…
If you are new to BodyChance, you are
surely experiencing an embarrassing moment in class these days. I look at you
and ask: “What would you like to explore with me today?” or “How can I help you
today?” New students are often puzzled by my question.
In a “normal” school, the teacher decides
what you do. Even during my Alexander Technique teacher education in London in
the 1970’s, when my teacher asked “What would you like to do today?” I knew there
was only two answers: chairwork or tablework. It was a brave pupil who answered:
“Hands on back of chair”. But between that, Whispered AH and perhaps a lunge, there
was little else I needed to imagine to get my turn that day.
I may have been trained well to be a
teacher of Alexander Technique, but as I am tirelessly trying to get across to
you – that is not a recipe for a successful teaching career!
I did not find a healthy, thriving market
for people desperate to learn about chairwork, tablework, hands on back of chair,
whispered AH or lunge. Somehow, those things never made it to the Sunday
Magazine of my local paper. And yet – it was all I knew how to teach. It was
all I had to sell. No wonder it took me over 36 years to find real financial
Your business starts by your answer to this
question: “What would you like to explore?” If there is no answer popping into
your head, you’re in trouble. Where’s your passion? Where’s your fascination?
Where’s your curiosity?
In my first letter to you, I posed the
question: what does it take to make a successful business? The answer was
simple: “Passion.” But that begs the
next question: Passion For What?
A lot of people answer “Passion for
Alexander Technique.” Oh dear. I hope I have already established with you that
there is no healthy market for that. Only about 5% of teachers make it in that
market – and they have the job of creating it first. Hard. Will that be you too?
Maybe, but wouldn’t you like to improve the odds? Doesn’t 80% chance of success
sound more attractive? So to improve your odds of creating a successful career,
what do you need to do?
Go deeper. Saying your passion is for
Alexander Technique is a bogus answer – it is not truly descriptive. How did you, personally, benefit by having sessions? You have
passion for “something” that Alexander Technique supported or improved. What is that “something”?
Make a list, a list that suggests things
you are curious about, things you want to use Alexander's Discoveries to
explore. Do this, then resolve that next time I ask you “What would you like to
explore today?” you have a dozen answers all clamouring for attention. Get to
that condition, and you are on your way to creating a successful career as a
teacher of…
PS If you are feeling stuck and want to
ask questions, or read some discussions there about my blog, join my circle of
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